Who is Born for us this Day?
This post was inspired by a reading of Isaiah 61:1-4.
In this our day, this Christmas, Who is it that is born?
Who is He for us today?
When He came to His own, who received Him not, He was for them the Son of David, the Savior, the one who would liberate them from oppression and captivity.
When He came to the nations, He was their liberation from sin and error and the darkness of idolatry.
When He united the nations through His Church, he was the King who brought peace and truth and holiness and beauty to the world.
When the Church was attacked and her teachings reviled, deformed, and rejected, and a false church was established, He was the perpetual Beacon of truth and righteousness, the King of Martyrs and the guarantor of eternal rewards to those who persevere in the true Faith.
When evil began to spread again throughout the lands which He had formerly sanctified, He was the Rock and Protector, the Shield and Defender of the faithful, the one on whom all could lean and find comfort and security.
When His own throughout the world abandoned Him for a message of convenience and earthly security and happiness, and the idolatry and paganism of old arose and seized their hearts, what is He to them?
Are we not, now, in an 'age of the dragon'?
When He comes to His own today to call them back to Himself, to abandon their sinful and idolatrous ways, He is for us the Deliverer from evil, liberty to captives, release from darkness for the prisoners, the One who proclaims a year of the Lord's favor, and vengeance against our spiritual enemies.
He is the one who comforts those who are broken and mourning, those who yearn to love Him with their whole hearts.
He is the one who raises us up from the ashes and the cities of death to crown us with honor and beauty.
He is the one who comes to anoint us with joy and gladness and to refresh our faint spirits and dispel our despair.
He will establish us as towers of righteousness, from whom will the splendor and glory of the Lord issue forth.
He comes to us to destroy the works of the devil, to heal the wounds we have suffered, to strengthen us and to equip us to fight. He comes to set us free from our sins and the captivity to the devil which they bring.
This Christmas season, and as we prepare for Lent, let us purge our hearts of all sinful and worldly attachments, that we might make room for, and request, an increase in the presence of grace and the Holy Spirit, that we might join Our Savior and fight with Him against the dragons.
Learn the logic of spiritual warfare based on the teachings of Exorcists, and share it with friends and family, through the book Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know - Amazon.

Who is He for us today?
When He came to His own, who received Him not, He was for them the Son of David, the Savior, the one who would liberate them from oppression and captivity.
When He came to the nations, He was their liberation from sin and error and the darkness of idolatry.
When He united the nations through His Church, he was the King who brought peace and truth and holiness and beauty to the world.
When the Church was attacked and her teachings reviled, deformed, and rejected, and a false church was established, He was the perpetual Beacon of truth and righteousness, the King of Martyrs and the guarantor of eternal rewards to those who persevere in the true Faith.
When evil began to spread again throughout the lands which He had formerly sanctified, He was the Rock and Protector, the Shield and Defender of the faithful, the one on whom all could lean and find comfort and security.
When His own throughout the world abandoned Him for a message of convenience and earthly security and happiness, and the idolatry and paganism of old arose and seized their hearts, what is He to them?
Are we not, now, in an 'age of the dragon'?
When He comes to His own today to call them back to Himself, to abandon their sinful and idolatrous ways, He is for us the Deliverer from evil, liberty to captives, release from darkness for the prisoners, the One who proclaims a year of the Lord's favor, and vengeance against our spiritual enemies.
He is the one who comforts those who are broken and mourning, those who yearn to love Him with their whole hearts.
He is the one who raises us up from the ashes and the cities of death to crown us with honor and beauty.
He is the one who comes to anoint us with joy and gladness and to refresh our faint spirits and dispel our despair.
He will establish us as towers of righteousness, from whom will the splendor and glory of the Lord issue forth.
He comes to us to destroy the works of the devil, to heal the wounds we have suffered, to strengthen us and to equip us to fight. He comes to set us free from our sins and the captivity to the devil which they bring.
This Christmas season, and as we prepare for Lent, let us purge our hearts of all sinful and worldly attachments, that we might make room for, and request, an increase in the presence of grace and the Holy Spirit, that we might join Our Savior and fight with Him against the dragons.
Learn the logic of spiritual warfare based on the teachings of Exorcists, and share it with friends and family, through the book Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know - Amazon.
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