Four Ways to Enhance Your Meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
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This podcast will take you through Four Simple Things you can do this Lent to enhance your meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
First, consider using the technique of St. Louis de Montfort, which you can find here, and place a simple phrase after the Holy Name of Jesus in each Hail Mary of the decade you are meditating on. Examples given by this great saint are,
- Agony in the Garden - add "Jesus, in his agony"
- Scourging at the Pillar - add "Jesus, scourged"
- Crowning with Thorns - "Jesus, crowned with thorns"
- Carrying the Cross - "Jesus, carrying his Cross"
- Crucifixion and Death - "Jesus, crucified"
This will aid you in staying focused on that specific mystery and not letting your mind wander away into distractions.
Second, consider keeping your mind focused on the mysteries of the Rosary during the prayers at the end and beginning of each decade. For example, in-between Our Lord's Agony in the Garden and the Scourging at the Pillar, many important things happen to Him. Keep your mind focused on those things during the "Glory be," "O, my Jesus," and the "Our Father."
Third, consider re-reading all of the Gospel accounts of Our Lord's Passion and Death. This reading will place divinely inspired ideas and images into your imagination to aid you during this time of sacred contemplation.
Fourth, consider praying the Chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrows. This Chaplet, which can be used for a Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows, recommended by Fr. Ripperger, is a powerful tool, enriched with promises from Our Lord and Our Lady, which deepens and illuminates your meditations on Our Lord's Passion and Death.
Recommended resources for praying this Chaplet here and here.
Additional resources and reflections here, here, here, here, and here.
Listen to the podcast above for a full explanation of these four ways. Lent is already coming into its final stretch. If you need to increase your participation, by the sacred works of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, here is a great place to start!
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Please enjoy this semi-inaugural Podcast from the author of
This podcast will take you through Four Simple Things you can do this Lent to enhance your meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.

- Agony in the Garden - add "Jesus, in his agony"
- Scourging at the Pillar - add "Jesus, scourged"
- Crowning with Thorns - "Jesus, crowned with thorns"
- Carrying the Cross - "Jesus, carrying his Cross"
- Crucifixion and Death - "Jesus, crucified"
This will aid you in staying focused on that specific mystery and not letting your mind wander away into distractions.
Second, consider keeping your mind focused on the mysteries of the Rosary during the prayers at the end and beginning of each decade. For example, in-between Our Lord's Agony in the Garden and the Scourging at the Pillar, many important things happen to Him. Keep your mind focused on those things during the "Glory be," "O, my Jesus," and the "Our Father."
Third, consider re-reading all of the Gospel accounts of Our Lord's Passion and Death. This reading will place divinely inspired ideas and images into your imagination to aid you during this time of sacred contemplation.
Fourth, consider praying the Chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrows. This Chaplet, which can be used for a Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows, recommended by Fr. Ripperger, is a powerful tool, enriched with promises from Our Lord and Our Lady, which deepens and illuminates your meditations on Our Lord's Passion and Death.
Recommended resources for praying this Chaplet here and here.
Additional resources and reflections here, here, here, here, and here.
Listen to the podcast above for a full explanation of these four ways. Lent is already coming into its final stretch. If you need to increase your participation, by the sacred works of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, here is a great place to start!
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