A Post About Our Lady

Dear Friends,

With school having resumed, and Divine Providence not yet granting me more time to write and research, I have only a little time to write articles here.  Please pardon the interruption in their frequency.  If you would like to help my apostolate, please see the bottom of the post.

That being said...


As I set about sifting through notes and ideas for what God may be wanting me to work on, I came across some quotes from the great Pope Leo XIII on Our Lady.  It comes from one of his encyclicals, titled "On the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary" and, in Latin, Augustissimae Virginis Mariae.  You can read it here.  It is great, as are all of his encyclicals, and the many he penned in honor of Our Lady.


In my book, I discuss what exorcists see in their work, both inside exorcisms and in the general spiritual lives of the people whom they assist.  In their observations, they see clearly that God has entrusted to Mary a tremendous role and power, both as a terror against the diabolical and as a powerful benefactor to the faithful.

Our Lady of Sorrows, especially, is a title through which Our Lady grants special favors and protection, such as revealing to us the cause of our own spiritual struggles, and what the demons are really up to in our personal situations and experiences.  Further, she is capable of ending the entire campaign of the demons.  When she shows up in exorcisms, for example, the diabolical activity is completely ended - the demons cannot stand to be around her and cannot resist her commands against them.


For some, the experiences of exorcists may not, in themselves, be sufficient to convince people of the power of Our Lady.  To this, we may add many stories, recounted by Saints and historians, of Our Lady actually doing marvelous things in people's lives.  Further, we can, as I do in my book, quote the Doctors of the Church in support of what exorcists see.

Despite this, some still enjoy, as is understandable, to see a little more authority behind these teachings.

Well, let me present just a little bit of that here - a little bit, but not without weight and power.


This great Holy Father, whose canonization may one day bring, God willing, greater attention to his writings, has said a few marvelous things about Our Lady

1) Regarding the necessity of having a devotion to Our Lady, by which our own prayers may be made more efficacious...

"For, so great is her dignity, so great her favour before God, that whosoever in his need will not have recourse to her is trying to fly without wings."
Leo XIII, Augustissimae Virginis Mariae, #9
2) Regarding the power which Our Lady, even more than all the other Saints, can and does wield in our lives, including, as is mentioned in my book, the ability to see what the demons are up to, and the ability to conquer them for us...
"Now, of all the blessed in heaven, who can compare with the august Mother of God in obtaining grace? Who seeth more clearly in the Eternal Word what troubles oppress us, what are our needs? Who is allowed more power in moving God?" 
Leo XIII, Augustissimae Virginis Mariae, #9


In his luminous work, “The Life and Miracles of St. Benedict,” St. Gregory provides a wonderful insight into the source of St. Benedicts extraordinary power for miracles and knowledge. From the edition published by Liturgical Press, on page 40, we read:

“Is there any reason why a person who has observed the commandments of God should not also know of God secret designs? ‘The man who unites himself to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him,’ [1 Cor 6:17] we read in Sacred Scripture.”

And also…

“Holy men do know the Lord’s thoughts in so far as they are one with Him. This is clear from the Apostle’s words, ‘Who else can know a man’s thought, except the man's own spirit that is within him? So no one else can know God’s thoughts but the spirit of God.’ [I Cor 2:11] To show that he actually knew God’s thoughts, St. Paul added, ‘And what we have received is no spirit of worldly wisdom; it is the Spirit that comes from God.’ [I Cor 2:12] And again: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human heart conceived, the welcome God has prepared for those who love him. To us, then, God has made a revelation of it through his Spirit’. [I Cor 2:9]”

Further, we may add the words of the Apostles, in the letter issued to the Church following the Council at Jerusalem, where they said, “It has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” [Acts 15:28] Thus, by this, we may see that, by their union with Our Lord, they also percieved the plan of God quite clearly.


...and turn to Our Lady in all of our needs.  She is the one who, "of all the blessed in Heaven," none can compare.  She is God's own mother.  Her authority and power and goodness should not, really, be in question...

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