New "Slaying Dragons" Subscription Service

As was mentioned in a previous email, Google's Feedburner has expired and I needed to move the email subscription service for this website (which sends out an email and RSS feed when new articles are posted).
New posted article notifications will now be coming from the Feedburner alternative known as
This service appears to be much better than Feedburner, and is still cost effective (free) for me at the moment, until I need to upgrade the features.
IF YOU ARE ALREADY A SUBSCRIBER: you will not need to do anything - your email is still in the system and you will be continuing to get notifications about new articles.
If you are NOT already subscribed, please use this link here or the link on the sidebar or the link that should have appeared in the popup (though that probably won't pop up again for you) to subscribe.
There are also new ways to receive notifications, so take a look at the settings and see what you prefer.  You can use this link to see and modify your settings for this website.
In the end, just a simple switch - nothing much to see here!
But, spread the word about the site and the book!  You can share this link to send people straight to the subscription as well.
If you have a website as well, and have an email newsletter, take a look at and use this link here - it's a referral link that will benefit the Slaying Dragons Apostolate if people use it to sign up for accounts for their own website or business.
Pax et bonum,
Get the book that brings critical insights into this present spiritual war.  Endorsed by Bishop Joseph Strickland, Bishop Gracida and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and priests and faithful across the globe.

Get your copy of Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know.  Available on, including Audible, and soon to be available in many more stores and retailers across the globe - and now in Spanish!  Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and subscribe above to get more updates and articles.  God bless you.

The story of my own youth and conversion, told to youth and young adults through the lens of spiritual warfare.  
This book is back in the author's hands again - details coming soon 
Order here and here 
a practical guide to prayer for busy Catholics,
based on the teachings of the great St. Alphonsus Liguori

