Exorcist: "Number of people practicing the occult is astounding" - Exorcists are absolutely overwhelmed

In his recent interview with CNA, exorcist Msgr. Stephen Rossetti of the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal, which has approved of and promotes my book, Slaying Dragons, gave some comments which should serve as a wake-up call for today's world, both Catholic and pagan.
Exorcists have been sounding the alarm about the occult for many years, even calling it a "pastoral emergency" in the face of a lack of an adequate number of exorcists to address the rising problem.  The youth in particular are being led into, raised as they are in a post-Christian pre-Satanic society.  Particularly in the age of fear, which characterizes the world at the moment, recourse to the occult is exerting a great pressure on mankind.
As Msgr. Rossetti says, "The number of people practicing the occult is astounding."  As readers of this blog know, we do not have enough trained exorcists to handle to number of people that are being harassed, to whatever extent, by the diabolic.  On this point, Msgr. adds, "We just can't deal with all the people coming to us."

Exorcists are often stating that, while rare, the extraordinary activity of demons is increasing as a result of rampant mortal sin and the occult.  Msgr. Rossetti agrees, and addresses it this way:

"But I would not underestimate the percentage of people who are oppressed in some way – it might not be fully possessed, but they’ve got some extraordinary demonic activity in their lives which are strongly affecting them, which they may or may not realize. And it’s becoming more common today as people fall away from the Faith and start practicing occult behaviors."

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, both the Catholic and the pagan world need to wake-up to the evil effects of the occult on society. Truly, we should not hold back from using the word "pagan" to describe those outside of the Church today, for the world, which is under the power of the Evil One, is exerting a massive pull on those without the protection of Almighty God, luring them toward the ancient diabolical arts, known today collectively as "the occult."

"Pagan" is the spiritual posture or state of being into which far too many people are willingly placing themselves.  Whether they initially simply drifted away from the Faith or jettisoned it completely, too many have begun to search to fill that spiritual void by recourse to the occult.
Those who willingly remain outside of the Church, outside of a right relation with the Blessed Trinity, are at an extremely high risk of being lured into not simply materialism and atheism but an occultic faith and belief system.  The attitude of the occult, while, most of the time, not outright Satanic, is highly prevalent in the culture.
The "occultic attitude" is one that views the world in the following ways, among other:  
  • Abortion as useful for society and as a "right" that people have.
  • The ultimate pursuit in life is self-glorification and pleasure. 
  • The satisfaction of the passions within man are what fulfill him and, thus, the passions are not disordered but a guide to Truth.
  • All forms of beliefs about life and "God" are worthy of acceptance and to be welcomed in society.
  • The mind of each individual person is god-like, such that, if an individual identifies himself as a certain thing/nature/gender/personality/etc., the culture must deem that to be true and embrace him as such.
  • In all practical ways, God is less relevant than the individual.

When we take note that these things have begun to animate us and our decisions, it is not so much that we are taking on a "secular" attitude, or an attitude of "practical atheism," as has so often been proposed.  

No, it is that we are, in these ways, adopting an attitude that is showing itself to be none other than that which flows from Satan's fall, his temptation to Adam and Eve, and the subsequent corruption of the world into idolatry, superstition, and magic.  

AKA - the occult.

Msgr. Rossetti says that he and his team:
  • pray two to three holy hours a day
  • go to Confession once a week
  • keep a Rosary on them at all times

We should imitate them as much as we are able...


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